Men of Football – 7-a-Side Tournament

Men of Football

Date(s) - 21/03/2015
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Budgewoi Soccer Club


Annual football tournament for Over 35, 45 and 50 Year teams

Registration Details

Call Mark Raftery on 0408675801 or email:

The Rules for Team Registration MUST be read before
completing the Team Registration

Incorrectly filled out forms WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.



Entry Fees to be paid on ground before first match or by direct debit to:
CC Men Of Football. Westpac Bank.
BSB 032513. Account No. 257086

TEAMS will NOT be permitted to play unless full fees are paid before first match.



  1. The entrance fee will be $20.00 per member and $40.00 per non member. Men of Football membership numbers will need to be provided as proof of membership. A player paying the $40.00 (non membership) will be processed as a new member with the additional $20.00
  2. On the Team entry form, please enter all details into the boxes provided.
  3. When filling in forms please denote date of payment by direct deposit.
  4. Form must be lodged with Mark Raftery (contact details above) See payment details above
  5. The final time for entering a team is close of business, Friday 13th March, 2015.
  6. On the registration form, in the TEAM section there are 2 different categories for the Registration (Rego) Status of each player. One box MUST be marked for every player (type an ‘X’). It is essential that the information you supply is accurate.
    The two categories are:

    1. Winter Registered Player
    2. Non Winter Registered PlayerWinter Registered means a player who played under any Association affiliated with Football New South Wales (FNSW) or NNSW.
  7. All players must be at least turning 35 years old by December 31st 2013.
  8. No ‘crude’ Team names allowed.
  9. A Manager along with a 2nd person must be nominated with full contact details. A regularly accessed email address is essential.
  10. A ‘preferred’ team shirt colour must be nominated. DO NOT proceeds with obtaining shirts until your choice has been confirmed. All squads are to have team shirts of a consistent style and colour. Goalkeepers are to wear contrasting colours if possible. All Teams are to have a change shirt, or a set of bibs, of a contrasting colour to their normal shirts. This is for games where a colour clash occurs.



Please take on board the ‘Spirit’ of this competition. Fun, Fitness and Socialising are the primary objectives; the competition for points is a distant second.

The exact format of this competition will not be known until we have all the team entries in.

Team shirt colours will be allocated, but we will inevitably have colour clashes. Team colours will be indicated on the draw by using an appropriate background colour. When a clash occurs teams will toss a coin to determine who will change.

In the event of wet weather of the morning an email or text message will be sent to the team coordinator by 7.00am on the competition day to advise whether play will continue or not.


Please note that all players should be a registered player with either Central Coast Football, NNSW Football Federation or Northern NSW Football Federation to be covered by insurance whilst playing.

Players who are not registered with either of these organisations play at their own risk.



Full FIFA rules will apply with the following exceptions

1.Studded boots either screw in or moulded including Blades are allowed. ‘Grass Sports’ type footwear with multiple moulded rubber studs is acceptable. Referees will make sure that correct footwear is worn preferably before kick-off. If this is not possible the referee has the power to send from the field any player that breaks this rule. To avoid disappointment, make sure your team is compliant. There will be no compromise.
2.The code of FIFA FAIR PLAY is to be observed at all times. All players are expected to behave in a Sportsman like manner. Overly aggressive play will not be tolerated. This is a Social Competition NOT Grade.
3.In all cases where players transgress these rules and are removed from the field of play, their Team may use a substitute. The player will be punished, not the Team.
4.All players are to have respect for the Referee and to accept the decisions made without dissent. Referees are instructed to Sin Bin offenders.
5.Repeated foul play and/or abusive language may result in a player being either sent to the Sin Bin for a period of time determined by the Referee, or Sent Off.
6.Players MUST remain on their feet to make a tackle. Slide tackles or those made on one knee will be penalised with a free kick.
7.Players are reminded that all tackles from behind are illegal. A slide tackle from behind will result in the offender being sent to the Sin bin for 2 minutes.
8.Kick offs must be taken from the centre spot. Apart from that all normal rules and conditions will NOT apply. A Player may score directly from the kick off.
9.All players may play the ball within the goal area ‘D’. A goal cannot be scored from inside the ‘D’, except with the head or chest. In the case of where an attacker kicks the ball from within the ‘D’ and the ball enters the goal after touching a defender last, the following will apply. If in the opinion of the Referee the goal would be counted as an own goal, then it will stand. If it would have been credited to the attacker it will be disallowed and a goal kick given.
10.No Offside rule.
11.Unlimited Interchange. Teams do not need the Referees permission to enact an interchange, but the oncoming Player cannot enter the field of play until the outgoing Player has completely left the field of play. All interchanges must be made at or near the halfway point on the same side of the field.
12.Defenders must retreat a minimum of 3 metres from free kicks and kick offs.
13.Penalties will be taken from on the line of the goal area ‘D’, central to the goal.
14.The player responsible for kicking the ball away from the field of play MUST immediately leave the field and retrieve the ball. Substitutions may be made. If it is clear to the Referee that another person is retrieving the ball, then the player may remain in the game.
15.It is the responsibility of any team who feels that their opposition is not abiding by the rules, in terms of the age and eligibility of the opposition players, to raise any objects directly with the referee and that team at the time. There is no point complaining afterwards, there is very little that can be done afterwards by MoF.
16.Kick offs will not be delayed to allow players extra time to take to the field of play. Games are 12 minutes each way, with a 1 minute half time interval. No added time.
17.Points are 3 for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss. Points, then Goal Difference, then most goals scored, then head to head results, then a toss of the coin will be the order in which league position will be determined.
18.A forfeited game will result in a 3-0 loss.
19.Once the number of teams entering is known, this rule will be amended to formalise the competition structure.
21.Top 4 teams of each aged competition will proceed to the final competition. The draw will be structured to favour those who finished highest in the league competition.
25.In the Finals, if the scores are level at full time, Extra Time will be played. During this period Goalkeepers are not allowed and the first team to score wins. Each team will remove 2 players and the game will recommence at 5 a side. Teams will toss a coin, winner to kick off. If after 2 minutes of Extra Time the tie is still level, each Team will remove a further 2 players and the game will recommence at 3 a side. Kick Off will go to the loser of the previous toss of the coin. The game will then continue until a goal is scored. Interchange is allowed.
26.Should an official referee not be available, teams must arrange between themselves, a suitable person to referee the match. This person’s decisions will be accepted as official, and no protest or complaint against his decisions will be accepted.